Jonas Egerer

Jonas Egerer
Dr. Jonas Egerer holds a master degree in industrial engineering from the Technical University of Dresden. He continued his academic career as research associate at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and the Technical University of Berlin, where he received his PhD in 2016 after research stays at the Universidad Pontificas Comillas Madrid, the NTNU Trondheim, and the European University Institute in Florence. Since 2017, he conducts research on the climate-neutral transformation of liberalized energy markets as a post-doc researcher at the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and the Energie Campus Nürnberg (EnCN).

Market Design of Electricity and Hydrogen Markets in Multi-Level Energy Market Models

The transformation to a sustainable energy system requires the switch from fossil to carbon-free energy sources, in particular renewable power generation and hydrogen. This requires the further development of energy market design in order to open up long-term business models on investments for market players, especially at the link between electricity and hydrogen markets.

The aim of the research project is to develop multi-level market models for coupled energy markets of different energy carriers. With regionally resolved data sets, these can be used to study the impact of market design on grid infrastructure for energy transport as well as regional and supra-regional development in the energy system in the medium-term market equilibrium.