Markus Nagler

Markus Nagler
Markus Nagler is Assistant Professor of Economics at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. He studied Economics at LMU München, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, and at University College London. During his Ph.D. at LMU München, he visited the Department of Economics at MIT and the Program on Education Policy and Governance at Harvard. He has also visited the National Bureau of Economic Research and Boston University. His research focuses on the determinants of knowledge diffusion, the impacts of patents on subsequent innovation, and on the labor market sorting of knowledge workers.

The Digital Transformation of the Labor Markets

This research project will analyze opportunities and risks of digitization in the labor market. In a first step, it will build a new data set combining online vacancy data with social security data for Germany. With this data, various impacts of technology adoption, for instance on workers’ careers and the value of skills will be analyzed. A second part of the project will use survey data and stated choice experiments to estimate the impact of working conditions related to digitization on workers’ earnings. The research project will thus analyze various questions regarding the future of work.