Alfred Estelmann

Dr. med. Dipl.-Kfm. Alfred Estelmann (born 1952) was chairman of Klinikum Nürnberg’s Executive Board. Klinikum Nürnberg is a maximum medical care hospital and one of the largest municipal hospitals in Europe.

Estelmann completed his apprenticeship in his parents’ bakery, where he passed his apprenticeship certification exam in 1974. His involvement in the ambulance service sparked his interest in the medical profession. From 1973, he studied business administration at the School of Business, Economics and Society (WiSo) in Nuremberg. In 1975, he got a place at FAU and started his study of human medicine in Erlangen. After completing his preliminary (medical) examination, a research project in emergency medical services led him back to business administration. In 1980, he passed the diploma examination for business administration. At the Computer Center of FAU he got to know the team of the Clinical Cancer Registry of the Surgery Department of Universitätsklinkum Erlangen, which he supported in setting up a hospital-wide identification of tumor and cancer patients. In 1982, he graduated in human medicine.

His medical work began in 1983 at the Children’s Department of Klinikum Nürnberg. From 1985, he simultaneously worked in project groups dealing with integrated data processing and quality management. In 1996, he moved to the Organization Office of the City of Nuremberg, which coordinated the transformation of Klinikum Nürnberg into an independent municipal enterprise. In 1998, he became “Head of Department Medical Service Providers” and a member of the management of the Klinikum. In 2002, he was appointed to deputy chairman of the Klinikums’s Executive Board. Following the purchase of Krankenhäuser im Nürnberger Land gGmbH by Klinikum Nürnberg, he took over its management in 2006. In September 2007, he was appointed to chairman of Klinikum Nürnberg’s Executive Board. He held this position until 2017. During this time, a location of the Salzburg Paracelsus Medical Private University was founded at Klinkum Nürnberg. Since 2014, it has offered the complete study of human medicine in Nuremberg.

From 2002, Estelmann worked in the working group of large municipal hospitals, most recently as its board member (2017). Simultaneously, he represented the hospital in the Conference of Municipal Hospitals in the German Association of Cities, which he presided in 2016 and 2017. Since December 2018, he has been a member of the Supervisory Board of A.R-Z.-Ambulantes Rehabilitationszentrum Nürnberg gGmbH.

Since 1994, Estelmann has been a member of the N-FÜ-ER regional group of the IPPNW, which since 1996 has organized congresses under the motto “Medicine and Conscience” at which current developments in the health care system are analyzed in the light of the Nuremberg Doctors’ Trial and alternative courses of action are presented.