Sebastian Junge

Dr. Sebastian Junge studied business administration at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University, the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, and FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. After his studies, he was a research assistant at the Chair of Corporate Management, where he also successfully completed his doctorate in 2017. Since then, he has been “Akademischer Rat auf Zeit” and in 2019 he has taken on the role of deputy professor and chairholder of the Chair of Corporate Management. In addition to his work at FAU, he has also taught at the Leipzig Graduate School of Management, the European School of Management and Technology Berlin, and the University of Passau. His research interests include topics such as personality traits and perceptions of managers, legitimization of entrepreneurial actions, and the innovation and transformation behavior of companies.

(De)Legitimization of organizational sustainability commitment and performance

Legitimacy is essential for both young and established firms. Traditional legitimacy-providing actors are, for instance, legislators, regulators, or the media. With the advent of digital platforms, “ordinary” citizens have been given a space where the activities of organizations can be continuously discussed and evaluated. Individuals joining together can influence other legitimacy providers, such as traditional media, and contribute to the social acceptance of organizations, but also to their delegitimization. The research project will investigate the influence of social media in the (de)legitimization of sustainability efforts of organizations.