Almasa Sarabi

Almasa Sarabi
Prof. Dr. Almasa Sarabi is a researcher at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam. She studied linguistics, cultural studies, and business administration in Hamburg, Goettingen, Pune (India), and Uppsala (Sweden) and obtained her PhD in Goettingen in 2017 with research stints in South Korea and Canada. She was Assistant Professor of International Human Resource Management at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. In her research, she examines new patterns in work and employment. Specifically, her research focuses on hiring practices in organizations with current projects examining gender bias and women’s allocation to jobs. A second focus of her research explores gender-based communication differences in how managers talk about their work in situations of uncertainty.

Gender Bias in Hiring: The Role of Hiring Managers

Do hiring managers discriminate against women at the point of hire? This question is examined in the context of real hiring decisions of a quasi-randomized field experiment. Specifically, the project takes advantage of a change in the hiring system of a multinational corporation that reduced the discretion of its hiring managers. The project shows that changing hiring criteria can alter an organization’s gender composition at point of hire and aims at bringing us one step closer to identifying the causes of social inequality.