Georg Reischauer

Dr. Georg Reischauer is Assistant Professor and Research Group Head at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. Before that, he held positions at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Hertie School of Governance, Technical University of Vienna, and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. He was a visiting researcher at several universities in the United States. He received a Ph.D. in Industrial Management from the Technical University of Vienna. His research focuses on the nexus of digital strategy, digital organization, and digital sustainability.

Systematic Innovation of Complex Physical Products

Capital-intensive industries such as automotive and manufacturing are characterized by complex physical products. Continuously innovating these products is a challenging endeavor for incumbents. One way to address this challenge is a systemic approach where the focal incumbent offering complex products strategically co-evolves with external actors who are directly and indirectly relevant for these products. Studying actors involved in building and maintaining electric vehicles and e-mobility infrastructures, a better understanding of how and when actors systemically innovate complex products will be created.