Jeffrey Parsons

Jeffrey Parsons
Prof. Jeffrey Parsons, Ph.D. is University Research Professor and Professor of Information Systems in the Faculty of Business Administration at Memorial University of Newfoundland. His research interests include conceptual modeling, crowdsourcing, information quality, data integration, and recommender systems. His work on these topics has appeared in top journals in information systems (e.g., MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of the Association for Information Systems), management (e.g., Management Science), computer science (e.g., ACM Transactions on Database Systems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering), and biology (e.g., Nature, Conservation Biology). He is a Senior Editor for MIS Quarterly, a former Senior Editor for the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and he has served as Program Co-chair for a number of major information systems conferences, including AMCIS, WITS, and ER.

Designing Data Crowdsourcing Platforms to Increase Data Quality

Crowdsourcing is a popular way to engage people in data collection. A key challenge in crowdsourcing is ensuring that data are diverse enough to support unanticipated uses. This research is comprised of two parts. First, experimental studies will be conducted to test hypotheses that contributor expertise is negatively associated with data diversity, but unrelated to data accuracy. Second, based on these studies the research will propose and evaluate design features aimed at increasing the diversity of crowdsourced data. The results of this research will contribute to our understanding of how to design crowdsourcing platforms to maximize the ability to capture high quality, diverse data.