Joachim Hüffmeier

Joachim Hüffmeier
Prof. Dr. Joachim Hüffmeier did his undergraduate studies in Psychology from 1998 until 2004 at the University of Münster and at the University of Dundee (Scotland). He received his Ph.D. from the University of Trier in 2008. Afterwards, he worked as a post-doc at the University of Münster (and finished his Habilitation there in 2013) and as a scientific director at the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) in Dortmund. In 2015, he became professor of Social, Work, and Organizational Psychology at TU Dortmund University. In his research, he focuses on conflicts and negotiation, on occupational health, and on research methods.

On the success of negotiation training outside of the training context

Conducting negotiations successfully is indispensable for solving conflicts of interests within and between organizations. Organizations therefore invest a lot of money in negotiation training (e.g., about seven billion dollar internationally in 2011). There is good evidence that these trainings work on a short-term basis and in a training context. However, it is unclear whether they also positively impact the everyday activities of the participants. In a waiting-list control group design, I will therefore study whether negotiation trainings also have the intended effects in this sphere (e.g., regarding key performance indicators, follow-up business, client satisfaction, etc.).